Australian reptile handler proposes to girlfriend with crocodile as witness

SOMERSBY , Australia, Nov. 4 (UPI) — A reptile handler at an Australian park proposed to his girlfriend inside the park’s crocodile enclosure.

The Australian Reptile Park shared video of the proposal, which featured the 14-foot crocodile “Elvis” as a witness.

Handler Billy Collett called his girlfriend Siobhan Oxley, whom he introduced as “the girl of his dreams,” into the enclosure to “have a crack at feeding the crocodile,” according to ABC News.

After drawing the massive crocodile out of the water, Collett dropped to one knee and presented Oxley with a ring.

“Siobhan, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, will you marry me?” he said.

The crowd erupted in applause as the couple embraced and shared a kiss before Collett let out a sigh of relief, saying proposing was “worse than feeding a crocodile.”

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